Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why We Should Celebrate Black History Month

Why We Should Celebrate 
Black History Month

*This is part of an assignment the World History students have to do this year. I've posted the following from the Florida Times-Union Jacksonville.Com page published February 24, 2013. I think this article gives a great reason why we should recognize and celebrate Black History Month and why it is important to do so, especially in regards to educating our youth:

Importance of Black History Month

Importance of Black History Month by William Jackson
A reflection on generational responsibilities to progress.

Each generation of Black youth need to understand the 
struggle and sacrifice Blacks endured to achieve equal 
rights and tolerance in American society.  Looking for 
generational leaders, who will accept the responsibility 
to guide and give each generation leadership in the 21st 
century. Youth today have technology in hand by this 
generation of youth, the ability to contribute to the 
nation and world through digital manipulation, nurturing 
and educating hearts and minds. The appreciation of 
Black History Month is important because of what it 
represents. Representing a culture that rises because of 
the contributions of individuals. Each success is a bridge 
that other Blacks can cross to contribute to the betterment 
of the United States and the world.

"I am where I am because of the bridges that I crossed. 
Sojourner Truth was a bridge. Harriet Tubman was a bridge. 
Ida B. Wells was a bridge. Madame C. J. Walker was 
a bridge. Fannie Lou Hamer was a bridge" Oprah Winfrey.
Black History Month is still needed in a country where 
racism, Colorism, and hatred still are alive even with a 
Black President. A nation that shows racism even in the 
21st century by openly disrespecting the President and his 
family.  Black History Month is about education, appreciation 
and dedication. Black History month is a celebration of what 
Blacks have accomplished in a short time. Building pride 
and dignity in Black people and emphasizing education. 

BHM should continue to strengthen community’s year around, 
not just once a year showing a window dressing of unity.  
Parades, breakfasts, dinners and speeches are a brief memory, 
what actions do they set in motion without generational 
leaders to carry them through? Education is the key along 
with dedication and appreciation of past sacrifices. Harriet
Tubman stated, “I freed thousands of slaves, and could have 
freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves.” 

Real work in education comes in churches, community 
organizations and changing values. Defeating ignorance and 
hatred, to get Black youth to understand that calling each other 
“Nigger”, “Nigga”, is not prideful, but disrespects those that 
have died to allow Blacks to be referred to as a human being 
not just someone’s property. Malcolm X passionately asked, 
“Who Are You?” in fierily speeches he asked where did 
your name go, who took it and who made Blacks dumb as 
to what their name is;
“Who Are You” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_30NWhC09Rs 

Women and girls openly call each other B*tch and Ho** on 
television and in songs now elementary age girls call each  
other that and worse, whose fault is that?

In the 21st century to say to a young brother, “pull up those pants” 
do they realize what message this is sending? Don’t Blacks see 
the message that is being sent to younger generations? Do Black 
children realize the danger they put themselves in, the perception 
of a society that incarcerates not educates? The chains of slavery, 
not physical, but mental are present, too many Black youth are 
mentally in chains. If someone has your mind, they have your 
body and soul. It has been said metaphorically it will be difficult 
for all of us to acknowledge our slave mentality because "the very 
nature of mental slavery creates an illusion that we are free," 
Breaking the Chains of Psychological Slavery, Na’im Akbar, Ph.D.
150 years ago the 13th Amendment freed slaves physically, 
slavery comes in many forms, modern day slaves are the bondage 
of Black youth with chains and orange jump suits. Girls on welfare, 
embracing EBT cards as prizes to be honored and celebrated. 
Children even ask teachers now “Has your EBT card come in yet?”
Children do not respect the empowerment of education and parents
do not support learning. Black youth should prepare for future 
careers in STEM (Science Technology Engineering 
Mathematics), instead of complaining that science and math 
are too hard. 

The media; movies and music degrade Black women physically, 
verbally and spiritually, and Blacks celebrate it claiming to have 
arrived as Stars in a society that laughs at their accomplishments 
of selling their bodies and souls as entertainers. Why are  
Blerds, Nerds and Black Geeks not celebrated? These are the 21st 
scientists, doctors, researchers, and explorers. Their efforts mean 
more than a 4 minute song that calls for slapping and cursing
women, dealing drugs, and killing police officers. What happen to 
the value of education and promoting those that are educated?
Racism is a fact of life for Black people in America; Blacks must 
work diligently to support basic human rights, the right to support 
Black businesses, the right to speak kindly to Black brothers and 
sisters each day. The right to treat each other respectfully, Blacks 
must respect actions not based on the color tones of skin, stopping 
Colorism. Each generation working to be of value instead of
tolerated and feared. Blacks must seize all of the opportunities 
presented, study hard, obtain as much education as possible and
support each other for growth and unity.

Black youth must always strive to better the next generation, 
eliminating self hatred and elimination of Colorism.  Powerful 
words have been spoken by Malcolm X about education in preparing 
Blacks for future careers; "Education is our passport to the future, 
for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
Each New Year is an opportunity to grow and make our
ancestors proud of our achievements, not shameful of our lack
of action and laziness to learn. Do  Blacks need to go back to 
slavery to be awaken again?

So, Why It Is Important To Have Black History Month?

1. Celebrating Black History Month honors the historic leaders of the Black community.

Not just nationally, but locally as well-

2. Celebrating Black History Month helps us to remember where we came from as Black people and how much farther we have to go.

3. Celebrating Black History Month gives us the opportunity to highlight the best of Black history, literature, art, music, and our culture.

4. Celebrating Black History Month creates awareness for ALL people.

5. Celebrating Black History Month Reminds Us All that Black History Is OUR History. 
"People shouldn’t overlook Black History Month because Black History (just like Hispanic, Asian, European, and Native history) belongs to all of us — black and white, men and women, young and old.  The impact African Americans have made on this country is part of our collective consciousness. Contemplating Black history draws people of every race into the grand and diverse story of this nation."

6. Recognizing Black History Month informs and educates the youth to reflect on and learn from the past, incorporate what is learned in the present, and use it to build a better future for all races.