Monday, November 4, 2019

World History 2019-2020: Chapter 6 - The First Chinese Empires, 221 BC - AD 220

World History 2019-2020
Chapter 6 - The First Chinese Empires, 221 BC - AD 220 

This blog was created to help my students do well in their World History courses. It will contain notes, assignments, vocabulary, powerpoints, and other information relating to the chapter that is being studied, and it will also have pictures of the different periods we will cover. Some pictures will be shown in a serious vein, but most of the pictures will be humorous to some degree. Enjoy the blog and feel free to access, download, and print out any work necessary.

At the bottom of the blog, there will be links to almost every assignment that will be done during the school year. There will also be links to the vocabulary, notes, questions, and some of the powerpoints. These can be downloaded and/or printed if neccesary.

Assignments from Chapter 6 Packet: